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Topical news items:

Ditching stereotypes to save orangutans

In Borneo, hunting emerges as a key threat to endangered orangutans

Ian Singleton of the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Project (SOCP) British speaking tour

New Australian Certification for Palm Oil free products

Sumatran Orangutan Plight

Deforestation continues in Leuser

Ian Singleton discusses the problem of habitat destruction in Northern Sumatra

Race to rescue displaced orangutan

Borneo is Burning!

Excellent article by the very well respected Eric Meijaard printed in the Jakarta Globe last year but still topical.

Guardian article on the failure of the Indonesian Government to protect the land of indigenous people in favour of palm oil

Footage of palm oil plantation from drone.

International Animal Rescue investigating the use of drones.

Major haze episodes in region 'likely to be more frequent'.

Coal Climate and Orangutans - Indonesia's quandry

Indonesian Forest Burning Is So Extensive That Neighbouring Countries Suffer Smoke Haze Problems.

Why Boycotting Palm Oil Is Not The Way To Save Orangutans

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         Orangutan Veterinary Aid - OVAID


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