120mph on the wing of a biplane😱
16th July 2021
Our amazingly brave supporter Nicola Tagart never does things by halves! She is going to wingwalk to raise funds for OVAID and the orangutan 🦧PLEASE support her if you can, remember - every little helps. For more details of this intrepid lady's challenge have a look at her fundraising page :

Tapanuli orangutan may be at even more risk of extinction than thought
January 2021
New evidence suggests that the Tapanuli orangutan's normal habit has not always been at higher altitudes but that it has of necessity adapted. This could mean that it is at even greater risk of extinction than first thought

SOCP accept 9 repatriated orangutan into their rehabilitation centre
December 2020
Nine orangutans who were repatriated from Malaysia (18th Dec 2020) will undergo a rehabilitation process at SOCPs Quarantine and Rehabilitation Centre after completing the strict quarantine period.
During the strict quarantine period the SOCP vet team will regularly monitor the health condition of each orangutan to ensure that they don't have any serious illness.

International Animal Rescue Release 5 orangutans
December 2020
An amazing Christmas present for these five orangutan released back to the wild!🎄We were delighted to see Beno, Jacky, Puyol and Oscarina (who we remember from when we were working at IAR in 2014 & 2015) released along with Isin. Great work by the IAR team and so rewarding to see animals you know & have helped care for complete the cycle and return to their habitat 👏

December 2019
'Bon Bon' the little orangutan which a Russian man tried to smuggle out of Indonesia at last travels from Bali Safari Park to our friends at the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme rescue centre at Batu Mbelin, Medan Sumatra to join the rehabilitation programme and hopefully ultimate release!
Orangutan repatriated from Thailand
New Research
Bon Bon travels to rescue centre for rehabilitation
OVAID donate to IAR
OVAID's Scholarship Vet
Uses His Improved Skills
Palm Oil
NGO Forced To Change Its Stance on Dam

Hugely successful 2018 fundraising effort
October 2018
OVAID's biggest fundraise ever culminated in the donation of both ultrasound and digital x-ray equipment to BOSF Samboja Lestari and, with a joint effort with Save The Orangutan (STO) in Denmark, a new x-ray generator and complete digital system for BOSF Nyaru Menteng

BOSF announces opening of Badak Kecil island for its orangutan
November 2018
BOSFoundation that OVAID has been working closely with this year and to which the charity donated two digital x-ray systems has announced the commencement of operations to move its unreleasable orangutan from cages onto Badak kecil, a naturally forested island in Cenral Kalimantan. This is seen as an important move in improving the welfare of its unfortunately captive orangutan