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The Art of Wild Orangutan Vet Care
Life as a wildlife veterinarian is a tough and demanding job. For Wild Orangutan veterinarians, that task is often made trickier through the lack of basic tools, skills, and government support! On this episode of Talking Apes, we meet with Orangutan Veterinary Aid's (OVAID) founder, veterinarian Dr. Nigel Hicks to talk about the Art of Wild Orangutan Vet Care. Since its conception, OVAID has promoted compassionate conservation throughout Borneo by providing medical instruments and training scholarships for Bornean wildlife vets.

Where compassionate conservation meets veterinary medicine.
Listen in to the fascinating full interview by Orangutan Alliance’s Blane Edwards with Dr Nigel & Sara Hicks (OVAID Co Founders) on this Eco Impacters podcast for a current and insightful conversation about OVAID, orangutan, zoonoses & much more

A compilation of answers to this important question featuring Dr Birute Galdikas (OFI), Farwiza Farhan (HAkA), Dr Nigel Hicks & Sara Fell Hicks (OVAID), Panut Hidisiswoyo (OIC) & Dr Karmele LLano Sanchez (IAR).
What can we learn from animals ?
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